NWSAFE Firearms & Safety Related Links

Links to things we find helpful and interesting. NWSAFE maintains a list of Portland-area firearms training organizations on a separate page.

Legal Links

Library of Congress

The Library of Congress has many useful legal resources online:

Constitution of Oregon

The Oregon Blue Book

The official state directory of state, county, city, federal, and tribal governments and much more. Produced by the State Archives Division.

Oregon State Laws & Regulations

This is a link to the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs). Those interested in firearms specific laws will want to visit ORS Chapter 166

Cornell's Legal Information Institute

Cornell University's Legal Information Institute is a good resource for finding specific Supreme Court opinions and federal law.

Government Organizations

United States Senate

United States House of Representatives (Congress)

Oregon State Senate

Oregon State House of Representatives

Oregon Blue Book

The official state directory and fact book about all levels of government in Oregon.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW)

Everything you ever wanted to know about hunting and fishing in Oregon but were afraid to ask!

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Outdoor Skills.

ODFW Page with resources such as Hunters Education, BOW (Becoming and Outdoors Women) Program, Mentored Youth Programs, etc.

US Dept of Fish and Wildlife - Pacific Region

Regional Federal Information about Refuges, Hunting, Fishing, Endangered Species, and more.

ATF - Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms

Sounds like fun - Just don't use'em all at the same time!

Firearms Information

rec.guns FAQ

Rec.guns is a USENET News group devoted to the topic of guns. This "Frequently Asked Questions" discusses many topics. There are too many to list here.


Your Guide to Debunking Gun Control Myths


Concealed carry information, Disussion forum, and Reciprocity Maps


Concealed carry reciprocity maps, links to State Laws, and other good info!

Shooting Links from M.D. Smith

Long list of cool shooting related places by M.D. Smith, IV at www.reloadammo.com

Gun Shows

Gun Tests Magazine

NRA Web Sites & Resources

Freedom & Political Sites

Oregon Firearms Federation

Keep And Bear Arms

Citizens Committee Right to Keep and Bare Arms

Second Amendment Foundation

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Noted scholar John R. Lott Jr., PhD.

Miscellaneous & Fun Shooting Things

Boomer Shoot!

Shooting high powered rifles at high explosives! Oh Yeah!


Geeks with Guns

The title says it all.

International Defensive Pistol Association

IDPA - Shooting sport designed to hone defensive skills.

International Practical Shooting Confederation

IPSC - Exciting sytle of sport shooting involving Accuracy, Power, and Speed.

Mothers Insisting on Licensed Tools

License those dangerous power tools!

About this page

This page was plagiarized by Dan Sweet from a design by Joshua R. Poulson (although Josh came along later and fixed it) and was most recently updated on 10/27/2008 -dls.

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